Twilight breaking dawn part 1 wiki
Twilight breaking dawn part 1 wiki

twilight breaking dawn part 1 wiki

She used to be a ward of Zojja's, but is currently independent as Zojja is still healing from her time in a Blighting Pod. Her trusty golem Scruffy was recently rebuilt, though it still has some bugs.

  • Taimi - A young asura who uses a golem to move around due to her degenerative disease.
  • Rytlock Brimstone - A former member of Destiny's Edge, he accompanied the Commander to help defeat Balthazar in the Crystal Desert and Elona regions.
  • She is a gladium, as her former warband was killed in a mining accident.
  • Rox - A charr ranger who had been accompanying Braham up north to fight Jormag.
  • She was heavily injured by Balthazar when he dropped his Lazarus disguise, but recovered well enough to travel to Amnoon shortly after Balthazar's defeat.
  • Marjory Delaqua - A Canthan necromancer.
  • She reunited with her lover, Marjory, during the celebration of Balthazar's defeat.
  • Kasmeer Meade - A human noble mesmer who helped stop Balthazar, Mordremoth and Scarlet.
  • He had been hanging out in the Amnoon casino, and had placed a rather large wager on the Commander defeating Kralkatorrik.
  • Canach - A former sylvari criminal who was vacationing in Amnoon after being released from a long-term imprisonment and later serving under Lady Anise.
  • She flew off after helping the Commander slay Balthazar.
  • Aurene - Glint's second scion, she is a crystal dragon born of Kralkatorrik's lineage.
  • The Pact Commander's guild formed at Eir Stegalkin's funeral from their friends who helped fight Mordremoth and Scarlet.
  • Dragonfall in the Unending Ocean, off the coast of the Scavenger's Causeway.
  • Thunderhead Peaks in the Deldrimor Front, southern Shiverpeak Mountains.
  • Jahai Bluffs in Kourna, southeastern Elona.
  • Domain of Kourna in Kourna, southeastern Elona.
  • Sandswept Isles in Dajkah, western Elona.
  • Domain of Istan on the Isle of Istan, southwestern Elona.
  • The Commander and their allies must contend with an empowered Elder Dragon threatening Elona, which remains under the thrall of Palawa Joko's Awakened army. The energy released upon the death of Balthazar has been absorbed by both Kralkatorrik and Aurene.
  • New masteries - Roller Beetle, Skyscale, Crystal Champion.
  • New attribute combinations - Plaguedoctor's.
  • New weapon sets - Living World Season 4 weapons.
  • New armor sets - Elegy armor, Requiem armor, Mist Shard armor, Blossoming Mist Shard armor, Corsair armor.
  • Requires every episode of Season 4, partial completion of the first five episodes, and total completion of War Eternal.

    twilight breaking dawn part 1 wiki

  • The Skyscale - A Mists-born dragon adept at scaling cliffs and traversing through the air.
  • It wears a floating magitech saddle fashioned from asuran technology.
  • The Roller Beetle - A giant beetle that curls into a ball to race downhill and smash through walls.
  • With the corresponding episodes unlocked, six new maps are available: Domain of Istan, Sandswept Isles, Domain of Kourna, Jahai Bluffs, Thunderhead Peaks, and Dragonfall.
  • The storyline of Season 4 primarily comprises the following episodes:

    Twilight breaking dawn part 1 wiki